Should MegaFood Make A Gummy? Our Medical Director's Perspective

By Erin Strokes

Should MegaFood Make A Gummy? Our Medical Director's Perspective

Should MegaFood Make A Gummy? Our Medical Director's Perspective

| Erin Stokes, N.D. |

“How to improve more lives without compromise?”  

This is one of the lenses that I look at my life’s work through. As a Naturopathic Doctor, and the Medical Director at MegaFood, improving lives and inspiring others is both my North Star, as well as MegaFood’s North Star. This phrase guides me daily and I reflect on it when weighing the pros and cons of future decisions.

So, when I first heard that a MegaFood gummy was possibly on the horizon, I have to admit that I was initially a bit skeptical. “Do we do that? A gummy?!” Yet, when I kept our North Star on the horizon, I realized that it’s not only the right thing to do, it is an incredibly exciting opportunity to improve many, many lives. I also have complete faith that MegaFood will do it in the right way, and will be transparent about our process of getting there.

There is a real need for more delivery method options. In addition to my work with MegaFood, I’m also known as “Mom”. My 10 year old son is a pro at taking supplements (that’s my boy!). He happily takes his daily vitamins and probiotics, while agreeably letting me administer herbal tinctures when he’s feeling under the weather. When he was old enough to swallow MegaFood Kid’s One Daily Multivitamin at the age of 5, it was seamless and smooth for us to move it right into his daily vitamin routine. 

However, as I talk with adults and kids all over the country, I realize that this experience is the exception, not the norm. It’s not just kids that don’t want to (or cannot) swallow tablets, there are many adults who have a difficult time as well, even with mini-tablets. Consequently,  I was truly delighted when we developed our collection of MegaFood Nutrient Booster Powders. An alternative way to deliver the goodness of FoodState Nutrients, whole foods and botanicals - this entire collection has been more popular than we would have ever imagined. These products are improving lives every day, as people add these powders to smoothies and shakes. It feels good to be able to offer options that work for people.

A gummy option is the natural progression in our mission to improve more lives. I know that this is going to be a one-of-a-kind gummy that can hold up to MegaFood’s high quality standards. It’s also going to include an “outside- in” approach, as our amazing customers - YOU - will be involved in co-creating our first formulations! We don’t just want consumer input, we need it as assurance we’re doing it right not merely from our own perspective, but from yours, too!


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