3 Easy Tips for a Sustainable, Healthy (and still full of spooky fun!) Halloween

By Erin Stokes

October 2022 Erin Stokes, ND

It’s hard to believe that Halloween is just a few days away! The fun and creativity of this favorite fall holiday is off the charts. Who doesn’t love a cool, innovative costume you’ve never seen before, or walking by a house fully decorated with lights, ghosts and cobwebs? Keep reading for my favorite tips on how to create a sustainable — and still spooky — halloween. 

  • Use the whole pumpkin by choosing a pie pumpkin. This year, we opted for a smaller, sweeter “pie pumpkin” so that I’m able to make a pie in addition to roasting the seeds. Once the Halloween fun is over, the pumpkin can go in the compost.
  • Recycle your costume. The stats on Halloween costume waste are downright scary! If possible try to donate your lightly used costume to a family member or neighbor.  If it’s a kids costume, you may be able to donate to a local preschool!
  • Eat protein first. We all know that for both kids and adults, there is a LOT of sugar consumption before, during and after Halloween. Before heading out to trick or treating or other Halloween fun, eat a nourishing meal containing protein such as chicken soup, or vegetarian burritos with black beans and brown rice. Why? Protein can help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent that dreaded sugar crash.