Nutrition, certified: What our certification seals mean for you

| Abigail McShinsky | Updated: October 5, 2018 |
See that line of certification seals going down the side of your MegaFood bottle? They represent several of the testing and safety measures we take when crafting our products. Let’s look at what each of these seals means for you as a consumer.
Give it a B!
First up is our new B Corporation certification. “B Corps” are companies that meet the highest standards of overall social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. As a B Corp, we’ve made a promise to use the power of business as a force for good. While this certification was a natural fit for MegaFood, getting certified is no easy task! That said, we’re super excited to have joined over 2000 other Certified B Corporations in this global movement to redefine success in business.
Listen to our podcast, Ep 15: What's It Mean to Be a B Corp?, to learn just what it means when you choose goods and services boasting that capital B. (Our Vice President of Social Impact, Sara, tells a captivating story!)
G-M-Oh, I don’t think so.
We support third party Non-GMO verifiers like the Non-GMO Project, and have gone through the intensive process to obtain this verification for many of our products, with more in the works.
Toxins need not apply
Each MegaFood supplement batch is rigorously tested to ensure it’s free from a whole host of “no-thank-you’s,” like allergens (more on those in a bit), heavy metals, yeasts, molds, and traces of over 125 different pesticides and herbicides, including glyphosate. Because glyphosate residue is becoming an increasing concern, we’re proud to say we’re the first supplement brand to have its entire line certified Glyphosate Residue Free by The Detox Project. We’ve actually gone a step even further by urging the EPA to (ban the application of glyphosate as a desiccant).
Certified Gluten Free
Food allergies and other food-related conditions are becoming an ever-growing concern in our modern culture. One of the most common allergies we see is gluten. For those with certain health concerns, such as Celiac disease, gluten can be particularly harmful.
MegaFood uses the FDA-approved method to test for gliadin, one of the main proteins in the gluten molecule. We test high-risk raw materials and all final products to ensure no traces are present. Certified Gluten-Free products must test at 20ppm (parts per million) or less; however, we have set our gluten-free standards to comply to 10ppm or less, to be doubly sure it’s a pure and safe product.
No dairy, no soy
We also test all of our products to ensure they are free of dairy and soy. Not only are these common allergens, there are a number of individuals who opt to omit this food from their diet, and like the assurance of a tested-free product. Concerning probiotics, dairy is a common growth-media, and many products on the market may contain traces of this common allergen. (But not MegaFood!)
The tests to rule out dairy and soy are similar to our gluten test. Here, we’re looking to ensure the results contain 5ppm or less of dairy, and of soy protein, respectively.
Dietary Details
All MegaFood products are vegetarian-friendly (no gelatin here- not even in our gummies!), which is signified by our green “leaf” seal. Products fit for a vegan diet (and there are many) boast the iconic “V”; they are certified by Vegan Action. If you eat kosher, good news. You’ll also see a “K” on a hefty number of our products, signifying our Certified Kosher status.
Potency proof
We’ve talked about what you don’t want in your supplements, but what about the things you DO want, like nutrients? Because we work with whole foods and botanicals in such high amounts - and by “high” we’re talking over 500,000 pounds of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and herbs are delivered to us from our trusted farm partners each year- we opted to develop our own on-site analytical laboratory to streamline testing. This truly allows us to have control, Farm to Tablet. (A good number of the allergen and toxin tests mentioned above are done in this lab, too.)
Our lab facility is ISO 9001 certified, which means it is certified to conform to internationally recognized standards for quality assurance, and we are audited each year to ensure we are maintaining this status. (This is a big deal, and something that makes us immensely proud!)
Why do we do all this testing? That’s easy: So you and your family can feel confident taking proven high-quality products made with pure ingredients. As for a look at where (and how) we perform these tests, check out this highlight of our our on-site lab.
Nutrition with Ambition
As you can see, those little icons on the side of our bottles hold a lot of meaning. In full, we believe the world needs better nutrition… for people, plants and soil, and everything in between. That’s why we’re obsessed with crafting our supplements from the very best (and ethically-sourced) real food ingredients. We work with like-minded farms to advocate for sustainable agriculture and other conscious farming practices that support living wages along the way. We call it “Nutrition with Ambition.” And with this higher purpose, our certifications play a big role, with each one helping to bring us one step closer towards making our vision a reality.
By choosing MegaFood, you’re directly supporting the work we’re doing in the name of better nutrition for all. Thank YOU for turning to us as your trusted supplement source.