Q&A; with Dr. Erin Stokes: 4 key prenatal vitamins to support a healthy pregnancy

Erin Stokes, Naturopathic Doctor, MegaFood Medical Director | June 2021
Answers to your many (great!) questions
You’re pregnant! Congratulations. Along with a growing belly comes a growing list of questions, especially around the nutritional needs of your body and baby. As a mom, I can relate. As a Naturopathic Doctor, I can share some answers. Here are my recommendations for the 4 essential supplements to support your healthy pregnancy - plus a ginger-flavored bonus.
Must-Have Prenatal Multi
“How important is it to take a prenatal multi?"
The simple answer is: Very. Even if you eat right, there are probably still nutritional gaps in your diet. (I know I have a few in mine.) A good foundational prenatal will fill in those gaps, which is especially important when you’re providing nutrition for two. I recommend Baby & Me 2™ Prenatal Multi, formulated by Tieraona Low Dog, MD, an internationally recognized expert in the fields of integrative medicine, dietary supplements and women’s health. She’s also MegaFood Chief Medical Advisor.
Baby & Me 2™ Prenatal Multi includes a range of vitamins and nutrients (like iron, vitamins B12, B6 and D3) plus real food (like organic oranges, broccoli, carrots and brown rice) to support optimal nutrition before and during pregnancy.* It features an important, and not so well known nutrient - choline - to support developing fetal health.* And it also contains methylated folate, the active form of folic acid.
Another key nutrient is iodine. Up until recently, iodine deficiency was thought to be a thing of the past. Then, the CDC’s 2nd National Report on Biochemical Indicators of Diet and NutritionFootnote 1, published in 2012, noted that women 20 to 39 years old bordered on having iodine insufficiency. The American Thyroid Association recommends women supplement with 150 mcg of iodine daily during preconception, pregnancy, and lactation, which is the amount found in MegaFood’s prenatal.*
“I’m tired and nauseous, what should I look for in a prenatal?"
Ugh. Been there. During pregnancy, the last thing you may want to do is reach for a multi. The good news is Baby & Me 2™ Prenatal is only a two tablet per day formula. More good news: you can take it anytime of day, even on an empty stomach - a big win especially during those early months when morning sickness may make an entrance.
“I’m extra concerned about what I put into my body during pregnancy - what certifications should I look for in a prenatal multi?"
You’re right to be careful about what you put in your body! Every supplement in the Baby & Me 2™ line is Non-GMO Project Verified, certified glyphosate residue free, tested for 125+ pesticides and herbicides and free of gluten, dairy and soy.
Beyond the Prenatal Multi
“Are there other prenatal supplements I should take in addition to my prenatal multi?"
Yes, great question! Baby & Me 2 Prenatal DHA & Choline is designed to be taken with our Prenatal Multi by a pregnant or breastfeeding mom. It provides two essential nutrients that are uniquely paired to support healthy brain development in the baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding.* We pair plant-based DHA from algae with slow-release choline beadlets to deliver nutrients over a sustained period of time. Because our DHA comes from algae, our DHA & Choline is vegan. This offers an alternative to fish oil for obtaining DHA.
“Should I take a probiotic during pregnancy?”
Another great, and important, question! Many practitioners recommend a probiotic for expectant moms to support digestive and immune health.* To determine if a probiotic blend is a good choice for you, check in with your healthcare practitioner. You may want to select a formula that includes specific beneficial strains. For example, studies have shown that the intake of Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HN001) during the last trimester and early breastfeeding supports a child’s developing immune system.*
Baby & Me 2 Prenatal Probiotic + Prebiotic contains MegaFood’s proprietary blend of 14 unique strains of 20 billion probiotics. It also includes Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HN001) and organic ginger. Ginger can help support healthy digestion at a time when digestion can feel a little "off".*
"What about iron?"
Absolutely! It’s common to develop iron deficiency during pregnancy. Your body uses iron to produce hemoglobin, a protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen to all of your tissues. During pregnancy, your body needs to produce more blood to increase oxygen delivery to your baby, and this means you need more iron. The symptoms of low iron such as fatigue, can be similar to common pregnancy symptoms, so it’s important to be evaluated for iron deficiency by your doctor. If you have determined that you are low in iron, you’ll want to choose a gentle, non-constipating form of iron.
Blood Builder® is shown in a clinical study to increase iron levels and reduce fatigue without common side effects such as nausea and constipation.* It delivers iron, along with folic acid and B12, to help maintain healthy red blood cell production.* It includes vitamin C with organic oranges to support optimal iron absorption.* Blood Builder also contains my favorite blood nourishing food, beets, that come to MegaFood from trusted farm partners. Blood Builder is a gentle and effective formula that can be taken any time of day, even on an empty stomach.*
And, if you're struggling with morning sickness we have just the thing for you! Our easy grab-and-go Baby & Me 2 Morning Sickness Nausea Relief* Soft Chews is a combo of ginger and B6 designed to support relief from occasional nausea.
Our support doesn’t stop there. Once your baby arrives, check out our Postnatal Multi that includes Moringa leaf to help support milk production!*
We offer many women’s health products to meet your unique needs, whether you’re pregnant or not. Check out our women's health supplements.
We also feature products for other health needs like Energy, Beauty & Skin, and Sleep & Stress.
1 Pfeiffer CM, et al. The CDC’s Second National Report on Biochemical Indicators of Diet and Nutrition in the U.S. Population is a valuable tool for researchers and policy makers. J Nutr. 2013 Jun;143(6):938S-47S.