MegaFood | April 2023
We ❤️ Mother Nature!
MegaFood celebrates Earth Day every day of the year. We’re an earth friendly supplement company, after all, so we owe a lot to Mother Nature and the fruits, veggies & herbs she supplies.
Here are a few favorite go-green tips we can all follow to help better our planet::
- Shop items you use often in bulk to use less packaging.
- When ordering online, avoid one-off purchases - wait until you can ship several items together.
- Manage your energy consumption - turn off the lights, heat & A/C when not needed.
- Use revolving doors - they help maintain indoor temps to save energy.
- Reduce single-use items like straws to keep them out of landfills.
- Drink from a reusable plastic bottle to reduce plastic waste.
- Start a garden and grow all your favorite veggies.
Do your part! Even the small things help.
Are you interested in going ZERO waste? Learn 4 easy tips from founder of Going Zero Waste, and our dear friend Kathryn Kellogg!