8 ways to feel more energetic during your vacation

By Abigail McShinksy

8 ways to feel more energetic during your vacation

8 ways to feel more energetic during your vacation

Vacation time? Lucky you. 

Getting the most out of your week off hinges on having enough energy to enjoy it. From travel prep to the return home, we’ve got some healthy tips and supplemental recommendations to help you succeed at having the best vacation ever. 

Are we there yet?

Oh, vacation. We long for it. But in the week leading up to it, we pay. There’s the late nights at work as you hopelessly try to achieve inbox zero. There’s the extra errands -and laundry- all in attempt to “get ahead of” the packing- whether or not that actually happens. And let’s not forget obsessing over each family member’s health and safety to ensure that this long anticipated adventure even manages to get off the ground in the first place.

Bookmark these travel prep pro tips to keep your cool during countdown:

1. Sleep
Get in those 8 hours if it’s the only thing you do. Sleep is restorative to body, mind and soul, and sets you up for effective stress management, and high energy levels during your week away. Trouble sleeping? You’re not alone. But, there are good sleep habits you can establish to set yourself up for restful success, and supplements to help!

2. Proactive immune system support
Food first, we always say. And while you’re still home, focus on nutrient-dense, whole food meals with plenty of greens. It may sound cliché, but a kale smoothie is a delicious and sustaining way get a serving -or two!- of veggies into your morning meal. And because nobody’s perfect- a foundational multivitamin is key to filling in those little gaps in your diet.

3. Pack the probiotics
A great way to support your immunity before any trip is with a probiotic.* As probiotics can promote regularity, healthy bowel function and proper digestion for reduced gas and bloating,* they’re worth considering if you think you’ll be eating foods your body isn’t used to. A shelf-stable probiotic is probably your best bet, as these formulas don’t require refrigeration. Meaning: they’re super convenient to bring along for ongoing gut health support.*

All checked in.

“We made it!” Those are beautiful words. Now the key is supporting your energy levels through a stint of action-packed days, and keeping stress at bay. Before you go doubling up on fancy coffees - or unwinding with too many glasses of wine - keep these sustaining, low stress travel suggestions in mind:

4. Nutrients for energy
Iron and B12 are two nutrients tied directly to maintaining healthy energy levels.* They also happen to be two very prevalent deficiencies in the US! If you’ve got time before you travel, read up on how to ensure you get enough of these vitalizing nutrients. If not, keep taking that foundational multivitamin, and assess your levels when you return.

5. Get out
This may seem obvious, but if your plans don’t revolve around the great outdoors, set aside some time to take advantage of your new surroundings and stomp the grounds. Numerous studies prove that the outdoors can lift our mood and lower our stress. While safe sun-exposure should always be top-of-mind, aim to absorb a little of the sunshine vitamin while you’re out and about. 

6. Support a healthy inflammation response
Be it strenuous hiking, or low-key sight-seeing, chances are, you’re getting more steps in on vacation than in your regular routine. To help support inflammation and keep your body running smoothly, supplemental turmeric is a smart and convenient choice.* Don’t forget to look for a product with black pepper extract in it, which helps you absorb the active compounds (called curcuminoids).

There’s no place like home.

Funny how a week can fly. When your time-away time is up, don’t let the stress return too. Botanicals can be superb post-travel stress reducers, if you know which plants do what:

7. Herbs that soothe
When you’re feeling like you fully understand the phrase “I need a vacation from my vacation…” Ever try adaptogens? Ashwaganda, rhodiola and maca are some well-loved adaptogenic herbs that help support your stress response and provide a sense of calm.* 

8. Herbs that center
Your body’s back in the office, but your mind is still on a beach. If you’re struggling to figure out how -or where- to focus, bacopa and lemon balm are two potential go-to’s.* Let the inbox zero challenge begin again.

Wishing you safe travels, sunny, (vitamin D emitting) skies, and a smooth return. Now, get back to packing your bags, and complete your online shopping before you miss that window for 2-day free shipping.

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